Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Crystal Forms

What are the 6 crystal forms? Name a mineral for each form.

The six crystal forms are: cubic, tetragonal, hexagonal, orthorhombic, monoclinic, and triclinic.

Here are examples of these 6 crystal forms.

Cubic: Fluorite

Tetragonal: Zircon

Hexagonal: Aquamarine

Orthorhombic: Topaz

Monoclinic: Gypsum

Triclinic: Inesite

Friday, August 22, 2008

The best renewable resource.

What is the best renewable resource? Why? Add at least 1 picture.

There's a bunch of renewable resources that we can use today for energy. I think that Solar power is the best though. Depending on where you live, you can count on the sun to shine more than half the time. Plus, if you get solar panels they are less discrete than a windmill which is used to harness energy from the wind. Anyway, a windmill might be to big for someone's backyard and I really don't think the state will pay half the cost of that!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Which map projection is my favorite? I say that my favorite map is the Robinson Projection is my favorite. First of all it is the most widley used map. The Robinson Map has curved latitude lines ( the lines that run North to South). The longitude lines are straight ( the lines that run East to West). This map is also not as distorted as the other maps and it is so what more accurate.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Which one is my favorite: Geology, Oceanography, Meteorology, or Astronomy? That is a hard question for me to answer. I love both Oceanography and Astronomy, but I have to say that Astronomy takes the cake. It's amazing to me that we know so much but there is still more to be discovered. The thought that there is more out there excites me because we never really know what or who we'll meet.