Tuesday, December 9, 2008

My grade... my choice :) ohhh!!

Well, I think that I should get atleast a 90%. This time I didn't really keep up with my blogs so I fell behind alot more than I should have. It was more work than last the last blogs we had gotten. I got my blogs done though and I think that is better than nothing. I tried.

Factors that affect wind (whoo :])

1. What 3 factors affect wind?
-Coriolis Effect
-pressure differences

2. Which of the 3 do you think has the greatest effect? Why?

I think the Corilolis effect has the greatest effect on the wind because it completely changes the direction it.

3. What would happen if this factor (from #2) all of a sudden stopped? Remember to include details about what might happen in your response.

If the Coriolis Effect stopped all of a sudden then the wind would just blow North to South, straight across.

WOOOSHHHH. :] air masses

1. What are the four most common air masses that affect the United States weather?

-continental tropical

-continental polar

-maritime tropical

-maritime polar

2. Which one brings your favorite kind of weather?

Continental Tropical brings my favorite type of weather (yay!:])

3. List 5 things that you like to do in that kind of weather.
Swim, of course
Eat ice cream
Be outside
Chalk (on the sidewalk, im in touch with my inner kid!)

Friday, December 5, 2008

My favorites!!!! :]

Geology- My favorite topic in Geology was minerals. A mineral is a naturally occuring, inorganic solid with an orderly crystalline structure and a definite chemical composition. I liked minerals because it included things like diamonds, sapphire, and Amethyst (my birthstone).

Meteorology- My favorite topic in Meteorology was cloud formation. I'm a day dreamer and I like staring at the clouds (when I can see them). It was kinda cool to learn how clouds form and what type they are.

Oceanography- My favorite topic in Oceanograpy was Ocean water and ocean life. This was my favorite because my favorite animal is the clownfish and I love swimming. It was cool, I guess to learn about what lives in the ocean, even if we can't see it.

Astronomy- My favorite topic in Astronomy was Stellar Evolution and The Universe. I loved learning about The Universe because it is soooo super huge and it makes you think, "What else is out there?" I also loved learning about how stars form.

I think it is really awesome and pretty too.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

H-R Diagram. shaaaa!!!!!!!!:)

1. On an H-R Diagram, what is the main sequence?

The main sequence is on a H-R Diagram is where most of the stars are at.

2. What percentage of stars are main sequence stars?

90% of stars are main sequence stars.

3. Is the Sun a main sequence star?

Ah yea, the Sun is a main sequence star.

4. What will happen to the Sun next? When will this happen?

The Sun will turn into a red GIANT in about 4 billion years. (really long time)

5. Include a picture of an H-R Diagram. Explain it.

On an H-R diagram, the colder stars are on the right side and the warmer stars are on the left. The stars on the bottom are dimmer and the higher up on the chart the stars are, the brighter they are. :)

Friday, November 14, 2008

I like these.....

  • Search for Extra-terrestrial Intelligence is the exploratory science that searches for evidence of life in the universe. SETI looks for a signature of its technology.

  • Titan (one of saturns moons)is the largest moon of Saturn and the second largest moon in the whole Solar System. Astronomers also think that it might have am atmosphere. Even though Titan's not a planet, it is bigger than Mercury and Pluto.

  • Saturn's rings are only visible from Earth when you use a telescope. Saturn has seven rings that are made of ice chunks and rocks ranging in size from a grain of salt to as big as a house. They are extremely wide but super thin.

  • Star constellations are groups of stars that come together to form a picture. They are amazingly beautiful. They can be seen more than one month.

  • The moon is a satellite of Earth. The surface area of the moon is 14,658,000 square miles and it's 1/4 the size of Earth. From Earth, we only see one side of the moon all the time.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Cloud Types

1. List three low clouds, three middle clouds, three high clouds, and one cloud with vertical development.

Low clouds: Cumulus, Stratus, and Nimbostratus

Middle clouds: Altocumulus, Altostratus, and Lenticular

High clouds: Cirrocumulus, Cirrostratus, and Cirrus

Cloud with vertical development: Cumulonimbus

2. Which clouds look the best to you?

The clouds that look the best to me are the cumulus clouds. I like the fact that they are bubbly looking.

3. What kind of weather does that type of cloud bring?

Cumulus clouds bring fair weather and an occasional precipitation even though I hate rain.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Greenhouse gases (less is more!!) :)

1.) What is the greenhouse effect?

The greenhouse effect is the rise in temperature on Earth because certain gases in the atmosphere are absorbed.

2.) What are the 3 most common greenhouse gases?

The three most common greenhouse gases are Carbon dioxide, water vapor, and methane.

3.) How are the greenhouse gases produced?

Greenhouse gases are produced both naturally and from human activities.

4.) How does the greenhouse effect impact our lives?

Without the greenhouse effect, a majority of life on Earth would not be able to survive.

5.) Is the greenhouse effect good or bad? Why?

The greenhouse effect is both good and bad. It warms the earth and enables life. It's bad because there is to much of the greenhouse gases and it absorbs more heat than needed.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Offshore drilling :( oh no no no no no no

What is offshore drilling?
  • Offshore drilling is extacting oil and natural gas from the ocean floor.
Why is it good?
  • Offshore drilling is good because it provided energy for the world.

Why is it bad?
  • Offshore drilling is bad because it is an environmental hazard.

How do you feel about it?
  • I don't think we should drill offshore. It is dangerous and it poses a HUGE threat to the enviroment. We should find a clean, alternative resource.

Recycle... it's not hard.

1. Most people agree that recycling is a good thing. Why should we recycle glass? Plastics? Papers? Metals?

· We should recycle glass because it saves the fuel oil needed to make glass from virgin materials. About 30% of glass containers on shelves can be recycled. Why waste it?
· We should recycle plastics because it would be a waste not to. Recycled plastics have so many uses such as bottles, shower stalls, flowerpots, etc.
· Paper to me is the number one item that should be recycled. Making new paper out of old paper uses less energy, saves trees, and reduces the air pollution related to paper making.
· Recycling aluminum uses 95% less energy than making less aluminum from bauxite ore. The metal can be melted and reformed into new products such as cans, appliances, and building materials.

2. What is better: recycling or reusing things? Why? Give an example.

I think both are the same in a way. When you reuse things like a coffee mug, it doesn’t take any energy and of course, you get more than one use. When you recycle, it is in a way reusing something except it takes energy to change it into something else that you can use.

3. How can Fayetteville residents recycle?

Fayetteville residents can recycle by using blue recycling bins to collect recyclables that are collected by a curbside service provided by Fayetteville.

4. Where is the closest recycling drop-off center to your home (or our school)?

The closest recycling drop-off center to my house is Massey Hill Recreation Center on 1612 Camden Rd. Fayetteville, North Carolina.

5. What can you realistically do to promote recycling?

YOU could start recycling then convince your friends and family to start recycling. When you see someone just throwing something recyclable away ask them for it so you can recycle it.

I deserve an......

What grade do you deserve for your blogs so far? Are you up to date? How is your spelling and grammar? Argue your point in a well written paragraph.

I honestly think that I deserve an A. I keep up with my blogs because is the coolest assignment we get in 4th period. Its work but it doesn’t feel like it because we write and put whatever we want on it. My spelling in my blogs is great I hope. I used the spell check. I’m getting a chance to grade myself which is awesome because I’ve worked really hard.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Kilauea Volcano :) whoooshh

I chose the Kilauea Volcano which is in Hawaii and it has an elevation of 1247 meters or 4091 feet. Kilauea means "spewing" or "much spreading". The volcano has three main areas which are its summit and two rift zones. Since 1952 there have been 34 eruptions of the Kilauea volcano. January 1983 there was an eruption on the east rift zone and to this day it is still happening. Kilauea is among the world's most active volcanoes and according to Hawaiian myths, Pele, the Goddess of Fire lives hidden in the volcano.

Friday, September 12, 2008

articles and questions

1.) Which two articles did you read?

  • Earthquakes hit Japan and Indonesia

  • Sea floods Texas Island; Get out or certain death

2.) What is the first article about?

The first article is about two unrelated earthquakes that hit the coasts of Japan and Indonesia but there were no damages of deaths.

3.) What is the second article about?

The second article is about Hurricane Ike that hit Texas.

4.) Which disaster was more disastrous?

Hurricane Ike was definitely more disastrous.

5.) Compare and contrast the two disasters.

I don't think that the earthquakes that hit the coasts of Indonesia and Japan could really count as disasters, more like almost disasters. Hurricane Ike is definitely a disaster because there are probably millions of dollars in damages and there have already been some deaths.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

1.) Where do most of the earthquakes tend to happen?
Pacific Ocean

2.) Why do you think that is?
I think there is a fault somewhere near that is why there are so many earthquakes around that area.

3.)What is this area called? (you will have to do some research)
Pacific Ring of Fire

4.) Where was the earthquake closest to North Carolina?
Southeastern Missouri

5.) Chose one earthquake that has happened in the last seven days. You will be researching that earthquake. Tell me about it. Include at least one picture.

There was an earthquake that happened today, September 9,2008. It happened in Northern California at 5:40 a.m.. This earthquake had a magnitude of 3.0.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Find a real life example of a mass movement. Include at least 1 picture. (You may use your book/notes to remind yourself the 5 mass movements.)

A real life example of a mass movement was a rockfall that occurred in Egypt on September 6, 2008. The rocks that weighed tons fell from a cliff on to a small area that was just outside Cairo. It was a tragedy that killed at least 34 people so far but all the damages are unknown until machinery can be brought in to break up and move the rocks.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Crystal Forms

What are the 6 crystal forms? Name a mineral for each form.

The six crystal forms are: cubic, tetragonal, hexagonal, orthorhombic, monoclinic, and triclinic.

Here are examples of these 6 crystal forms.

Cubic: Fluorite

Tetragonal: Zircon

Hexagonal: Aquamarine

Orthorhombic: Topaz

Monoclinic: Gypsum

Triclinic: Inesite

Friday, August 22, 2008

The best renewable resource.

What is the best renewable resource? Why? Add at least 1 picture.

There's a bunch of renewable resources that we can use today for energy. I think that Solar power is the best though. Depending on where you live, you can count on the sun to shine more than half the time. Plus, if you get solar panels they are less discrete than a windmill which is used to harness energy from the wind. Anyway, a windmill might be to big for someone's backyard and I really don't think the state will pay half the cost of that!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Which map projection is my favorite? I say that my favorite map is the Robinson Projection is my favorite. First of all it is the most widley used map. The Robinson Map has curved latitude lines ( the lines that run North to South). The longitude lines are straight ( the lines that run East to West). This map is also not as distorted as the other maps and it is so what more accurate.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Which one is my favorite: Geology, Oceanography, Meteorology, or Astronomy? That is a hard question for me to answer. I love both Oceanography and Astronomy, but I have to say that Astronomy takes the cake. It's amazing to me that we know so much but there is still more to be discovered. The thought that there is more out there excites me because we never really know what or who we'll meet.